Sunday, September 6, 2015

New Kid 100 Likes Giveaway!

WOW! I can say, I'm honestly blown away by the awesomeness that is all of you. Thank you for supporting my journey with nothing more than a promise of things to come...I look forward to sharing more words with you and hope you'll fall in love just as I have!

Below is the giveaway I promised as well as a little peek into what I'm working on!

**Un-edited, subject to change, blah blah blah.*

Untitled 2015 
(C) Vanessa Morse

Knowing I’m not going to see Rowen for at least twenty-four hours—shit—I have no idea if I’m going to see her again at all. I don’t know if she made the cut, although, if it were up to me—and by looking around the room as she was dancing, everyone else—she’d be dancing every night. My chest tightens.
No. She wouldn’t.
I feel an unnatural protectiveness creep into my gut. I don’t want Rowen to dance at The Slipper Room. The only place she should ever look that sexy is behind a closed door with me as her audience.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, my ornery thoughts thwarted and replaced with anticipation. I can’t help but hope she’s still up and waiting for me. Of course, I’m not actually going to drive that far after being up for over twenty-four hours, as much as I’d like nothing more than to have watched the sun rise with my body wrapped around hers, she made that impossible. At least for today…


Friday, September 4, 2015

New Kid on the Block

Nope. Nope, nothing to see here...yet.

In December, 2015, I will be participating in a fabulous Holiday Anthology brought to you by Hot Tree Publishing. I have to say, I'm equal parts excited and nervous to the point of biting all of my fingers off.

I have been a writer my entire life, mostly poetry and journal entries. I published in my school poetry competition at the age of 13, but never pursued anything serious past that. Until about three years ago, writing was strictly therapeutic.

Then, one day everything just hit me. I wanted to share these stories tucked away in my mind with, here I am.

I hope you'll join me on this crazy journey and that you'll enjoy the words I put on paper in the form of fantasy worlds and book boyfriends.

Here's to sharing with the world! Thank you for being here!
